Blogging is a terrific way to get some thoughts, important and otherwise, out into the world to share.
Blogging about your child with Rett is hard. For my personal ramblings, stories, poems, geekish writings, I'll post things without a second thought. Nothing is ever good enough to write about my girl.
Campbell is 6, going to school, and making a ton of friends. So much has happened I want to share. As I reach brief moments of calm, long enough to put thoughts and experience into words, more happens. Sometimes a setback, sometimes amazing things happen. The latter is more often the case lately.
I'll do some elaboration in the "near" future, but here are some highlights:
- Campbell had a g-tube put in. For those unfamiliar, it is a feeding tube. Hard to think about anyone putting holes into my angel, but it has been terrific for her.
- Campbell lives with me full-time now, with her little sister.
- We've moved to a new city, with new resources, though completely unfamiliar territory with no established network of support. As scary as that was and is, it was one of the best things I ever could have done.
- Campbell is finding, on her own, new ways for her to communicate with us.
- She's just an awesome kid, and that warrants it's own bullet-point
There's so much to share when it comes to my little peanut. She's brought out the best in the world around her, which shows that much more since moving to the "city". There's a lot to do, and it feels like I'm feeling my way in the dark here, but never has anything been so worth it. I hope that sharing my experiences can help others, even if it's just to get an idea where to start.
To those new to the journey, welcome. To those already sharing the journey, feel free to add in the comments to any of my posts. There's so much that we share, and so much more that's unique.